Writing—So You Want to be a Writer, New Novel, Imagination, Climax, Sister of Darkness

19 June 2024, this blog is about writing in scenes.  I’m focusing on the tools to build scenes.  I’ll leave up the parts of a novel because I think this is an important picture for any novelist.  I’m writing about how to begin and write a novel.

  1. The initial scene
  2. The rising action scenes
  3. The climax scene
  4. The falling action scene(s)
  5. The dénouement scene(s)

Announcement:   I still need a new publisher.  However, I’ve decided to republish my previous novels on my own.  Since there is almost zero market with regular publishers for previously published works, there is no loss, but I can get my novels back in play.  I’m starting with Centurion, and we’ll move on from there.

Today’s Blog: The skill of using language comes from the ability to put together figures of speech that act as symbols in writing.

Short digression:  Back in the USA.  I didn’t update you on all my travels, but I basically went all through Italy and Greece as well as a sidetrack to Malta.  I’m back. 

Here are my rules of writing:

1. Entertain your readers.

2. Don’t confuse your readers.

3. Ground your readers in the writing.

4. Don’t show (or tell) everything.

     4a. Show what can be seen, heard, felt, smelled, and tasted on the stage of the novel.

5. Immerse yourself in the world of your writing.

6. The initial scene is the most important scene.

Creativity is the extrapolation of older ideas to form new ones or to present old ideas in a new form.  It is a reflection of something new created with ties to the history, science, and logic (the intellect).  Creativity requires consuming, thinking, and producing. 

Scene development:

Here is the beginning of the scene development method from the outline:

1. Scene input (comes from the previous scene output or is an initial scene)

2. Write the scene setting (place, time, stuff, and characters)

3. Imagine the output, creative elements, plot, telic flaw resolution (climax) and develop the tension and release.

4. Write the scene using the output and creative elements to build the tension.

5. Write the release

6. Write the kicker

First step of writing—enjoy writing.  Writing is a chore—especially if you don’t know what you are doing, and you don’t know where you are going.  Let me help you with that.


These are the three novels I’m contemplating writing.  I finished Seoirse, and I developed these protagonists and the protagonist’s helpers for the other novels.

For novel 33, Book girl:  Siobhàn Shaw is Morven McLean’s savior—they are both attending Kilgraston School in Scotland when Morven loses everything, her wealth, position, and friends, and Siobhàn Shaw is the only one left to befriend and help her discover the one thing that might save Morven’s family and existence.

For novel 34:  Seoirse is assigned to be Rose’s protector and helper at Monmouth while Rose deals with five goddesses and schoolwork; unfortunately Seoirse has fallen in love with Rose.  

For novel 35: Eoghan, a Scottish National Park Authority Ranger, while handing a supernatural problem in Loch Lomond and The Trossachs National Park discovers the crypt of Aine and accidentally releases her into the world; Eoghan wants more from the world and Aine desires a new life and perhaps love.

The first or initial scene is what we work hard to start out our novels.

A scene always starts with the setting elements.  Look at the scene development outline:

1. Scene input (comes from the previous scene output or is an initial scene)

2. Write the scene setting (place, time, stuff, and characters)

3. Imagine the output, creative elements, plot, telic flaw resolution (climax) and develop the tension and release.

4. Write the scene using the output and creative elements to build the tension.

5. Write the release

6.  Write the kicker

If you notice, the first thing we write is the scene setting.  You can continue setting development through the scene, but every scene should start with the setting.  You must set the stage of the novel with the scene setting. 

In the first place, without setting elements, you can’t write anything.  You must introduce setting elements to be able to have action and dialog.  The setting elements usually come out of narration of some type. 

Every creative element should also be a plot element.  If they are not, you should not make them a creative element. 

This means the plots must further the telic flaw resolution and nothing else.  A plot element can become a telic resolution element.  However, I should write, a plot element should always become a telic resolution element.

I’ve never put this completely together before.  Here’s a chronological list of my novels:

The Second Mission (399 to 400 BC)

Centurion (6 BC to 33 AD)

Aksinya: Enchantment and the Daemon 1917 – 1918 (1920)

Aegypt 1926

Sister of Light 1926 – 1934

Sister of Darkness 1939 – 1945

Shadow of Darkness 1945 – 1953

Shadow of Light 1953 – 1956

Antebellum 1965 (1860 to 1865)

Children of Light and Darkness 1970 – 1971

Warrior of Light 1974 – 1976

Warrior of Darkness 1980 – 1981

Deirdre: Enchantment and the School 1992 – 1993

Cassandra: Enchantment and the Warriors 1993 – 1994

Hestia: Enchantment of the Hearth 2000 – 2001

Essie: Enchantment and the Aos Si 2002 – 2005

Khione: Enchantment and the Fox 2003 – 2004

Blue Rose: Enchantment and the Detective 2008 – 2009

Dana-ana: Enchantment and the Maiden 2009 – 2010

Valeska: Enchantment and the Vampire 2014 – 2015

Lilly: Enchantment and the Computer 2014 – 2015

September 2022 – death of Elizabeth

Sorcha: Enchantment and the Curse 2025 – 2026

2026 death of Mrs. Calloway

Rose: Enchantment and the Flower January to April 2028

Seoirse: Enchantment and the Assignment August to November 2028

science fiction

Escape from Freedom

The End of Honor

The Fox’s Honor

A Season of Honor

Athelstan Cying

Twilight Lamb

Regia Anglorum

Shadowed Vale

Ddraig Goch – not completed

What’s the point?  I just wanted to list all my novels in chronological order.  I’m not sure where I’m going from this, but I thought it was a fun idea.  I didn’t put in the dates of the science fiction because although it is possible to figure them out, they are pretty esoteric.  All the other novels are connected in history and time.

Even if you don’t intend to write series novels, the connections in the worldview you create are still beloved and of interest to your readers.  I especially like these connections.  Even if the connection is a place like a store or a restaurant or a person like a shopkeep or a server, these connect people and can connect novels.  In series novels, they are the bread and butter of connections.  I guess I’ll mention more about the less conflict driven climax, next.  Perhaps I should look at the climaxes of my novels and see how they worked out the telic flaw.  That might be useful.

The Second Mission (399 to 400 BC) – The telic flaw of The Second Mission is that a modern man gets accidentally caught up in the second mission into time.  The mission is for a time traveler to record the words of Socrates to see how accurate Plato’s accounts of the dialogs were.  The resolution of this telic flaw could have taken many different paths.  The way I resolved it was that following the death of Socrates, the time traveler was taken back, as planned, to the future.  The man, Alan Fisher was also taken back to the time in the future.  The main problem is that Alan Fisher was the man of invented the means of time travel.  Since he came to the future, he couldn’t have developed the time travel technology in the first place.  The ability to travel in time was lost.  I thought the climax and the end was pretty elegant.  In any case, it resolved the telic flaw and the novel. 

Centurion (6 BC to 33 AD) – The telic flaw for Centurion is the promotion and continuance of the Centurion Abenadar in his position as Centurion.  The execution of Jesus Christ just happens to be the culmination of his trials and tests.  Abenadar has split loyalties.  He is half-Jewish and half-Roman.  He owes a loyalty to his people, but as a Centurion, he owes a great loyalty and oath to the Legion and to his superiors, primarily Pilate and the Legatus of the Legion. 

Abenadar has another loyalty—his illegal-wife Ruth.  Ruth believes in the Jewish Messiah, she is a ruined Jewish woman who wants Adenadar to be the Jewish man she always desired.  On the other hand, Abenadar is ordered to execute this messiah. 

In this historical fiction novel, the climax is pretty cut and dried.  Abenadar is destined to execute Jesus.  The telic flaw is set from the beginning of the novel—the rise of Adenadar from citizen to legionnaire to Centurion.  It’s actually not predetermined, but that’s the play of the novel from birth to Centurion and the great responsibility in the climax. 

I’ll point out that this is a unique novel that shows the Roman point of view as well as the common Jewish point of view about Jesus and the history around his execution and resurrection. 

Aksinya: Enchantment and the Daemon 1917 – 1918 (1920) – The telic flaw in Aksinya is that Aksinya calls a demon and that’s her problem and the problem in her world.  Pretty simple, right?  The problem for her is that in every other novel with this basic classical premise, the demon (telic flaw) overcomes the protagonist, and we have a tragedy.  The point of Aksinya is to not result in a tragedy, but rather a comedy.  To do that, I made Aksinya a semi-allegory (parallel) based on the Apocryphal book of Tobit. 

The reason for basing Aksinya on Tobit is that in Tobit the protagonist is able to beat the demon—with the help of an angel.  Aksinya is a classical Romantic plot where the resolution looks impossible until it becomes inevitable.  The entire novel is a revelation of Aksinya, but at the same time sets up the situation of the defeat of the demon, Asmodeus.  The name of the demon should give it all away—that’s the same name as the demon in Tobit.  The resolution is similar, except I do put in a little extra.

In the climax, Asmodeus accidentally harms Aksinya when he attacks her husband—Aksinya protects her husband.  That creates a breach of contract for Asmodeus, and gives Aksinya a way of breaking the contract.  Then some other stuff happens.  I’ll not give it all away.  Point is that the telic flaw is resolved in the climax, and Aksinya beats the demon.

Aegypt 1926 – This is the first novel in the Ancient Light Series.  It was regularly published by Oaktara/Capstone.  The telic flaw is the mystery of an Egyptian tomb in the depths of Tunisia.  Paul Bolang finds the foundation of an Egyptian temple on the parade grounds for the Foreign Legion fort, Fort Saint.  Eventually, a British archeology team comes and then discovers a tomb beneath the foundations.  Immediately, the mystery becomes, where is the rest of the temple, what are the tombs, and why are the hieroglyphics different than the normal ones in Egypt. 

Eventually, the archeologists discover the tombs of the Goddess of Light and the Goddess of Darkness.  They accidentally evoke a trap that leads to something or someone escaping the tomb of the Goddess of Light.  Something is also activated in the tomb of the Goddess of Darkness.  In any case, Paul Bolang investigates these and discovers a woman who speaks only encinet Egyptian and claims to be the Goddess of Light.  That’s the telic flaw.

The climax is when the archeologists open the tomb of the Goddess of Darkness.  Paul knows exactly what will happen and he and the Goddess of Light are ready.  The result however is the end of the archeologists and the escape of the spirit of the Goddess of Darkness.  She wasn’t resurrected into the world, whole, but is now escaped and still able to act against humanity.

Sister of Light 1926 – 1934 – Paul and the Goddess of Light, Leora, move to the United States in an exchange program with the French military.  They have four children, and then Paul is recalled to France.  The telic flaw of this novel is the Goddess of Darkness has begun to act indirectly and then directly against Paul and Leora.  She is also working to cause warfare and as a threat to the Jewish people.  Paul and Leora oppose her.

The novel is all about Leora’s search for the missing Paul as well as her interactions with her children, in-laws, and Paul’s friends as she seeks help.  Paul was searching for artifacts that Hitler’s Germany wants for some reason.  The reason is the Goddess of Darkness.  She is seeking her items—that will give her even greater powers over the world.

The climax is when Leora and her confederates discover Pauls place of captivity and rescue him from the Goddess of Darkness.  This is a set up for the next novel because the place of Paul’s imprisonment is the same as their daughter’s imprisonment.  The climax is relatively simple but action packed.  The point is that it is the end of the investigation of a mystery.  By the way, Leora finds her items of power and has the Goddess of Darkness’ items of power. 

Sister of Darkness 1939 – 1945 – War engulfs Europe and with Hitler’s attack on France, German special forces are sent to capture Leroa, Paul, and their children.  Paul is already in Norway, and Leroa and the children are rescued and taken to Britain by Bruce Lyons, an officer in the British special missions group soon to become the Special Air Services (SAS). 

The Goddess of Darkness has been encouraging Hitler and the Axis powers, and that becomes the telic flaw for the novel.  There are complications.  At the beginning of the novel, the Black Tablet, one of the Goddess of Darkness’ items was taken by Lumiere, Paul and Leora’s oldest daughter.  She used this item to accidentally seal Paul and his troops away when they were overrun by the Germans.  Paul and his men were taken to the headquarters of MI19 where the British kept a classified hospital.  In any case, eventually Lumiere is captured and held captive by the Goddess of Darkness.  The Goddess of Darkness plans on training Lumiere as her sister and child.  The telic flaw is the defeat of the Goddess of Darkness, but with the added component of rescuing Lumiere. 

Paul, Leroa, and Bruce Lyons infiltrate Vichy France and then Nazi Germany to defeat the Goddess of Darkness (and Hitler) as well as to return Lumiere.  The climax is a confrontation with Hitler and the Goddess of Darkness.  With the apparent end of the Goddess of Darkness—her defeat and purge from Hitler’s Germany, all looks good, however, Paul and Leora think Lumiere has died and the Goddess of Darkness was destroyed.  They were not.  Pretty slick setup for the next novel.

Shadow of Darkness 1945 – 1953

Shadow of Light 1953 – 1956

Antebellum 1965 (1860 to 1865)

Children of Light and Darkness 1970 – 1971

Warrior of Light 1974 – 1976

Warrior of Darkness 1980 – 1981

Deirdre: Enchantment and the School 1992 – 1993

Cassandra: Enchantment and the Warriors 1993 – 1994

Hestia: Enchantment of the Hearth 2000 – 2001

Essie: Enchantment and the Aos Si 2002 – 2005

Khione: Enchantment and the Fox 2003 – 2004

Blue Rose: Enchantment and the Detective 2008 – 2009

Dana-ana: Enchantment and the Maiden 2009 – 2010

Valeska: Enchantment and the Vampire 2014 – 2015

Lilly: Enchantment and the Computer 2014 – 2015

September 2022 – death of Elizabeth

Sorcha: Enchantment and the Curse 2025 – 2026

2026 death of Mrs. Calloway

Rose: Enchantment and the Flower January to April 2028

Seoirse: Enchantment and the Assignment August to November 2028

science fiction

Escape from Freedom

The End of Honor

The Fox’s Honor

A Season of Honor

Athelstan Cying

Twilight Lamb

Regia Anglorum

Shadowed Vale

Ddraig Goch – not completed

Perhaps I’ll move over to my science fiction novels.  I need to write a new one of them.

The most important thing for the scene is developing the entertainment in the scene.

I’ll write more tomorrow.

For more information, you can visit my author site www.ldalford.com/, and my individual novel websites:










fiction, theme, plot, story, storyline, character development, scene, setting, conversation, novel, book, writing, information, study, marketing, tension, release, creative, idea, logic

About L.D. Alford

L. D. Alford is a novelist whose writing explores with originality those cultures and societies we think we already know. His writing distinctively develops the connections between present events and history—he combines them with threads of reality that bring the past alive. L. D. Alford is familiar with technology and cultures—he is widely traveled and earned a B.S. in Chemistry from Pacific Lutheran University, an M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Boston University, a Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from The University of Dayton, and is a graduate of Air War College, Air Command and Staff College, and the USAF Test Pilot School. L. D. Alford is an author who combines intimate scientific and cultural knowledge into fiction worlds that breathe reality. He is the author of three historical fiction novels: Centurion, Aegypt, and The Second Mission, and three science fiction novels: The End of Honor, The Fox’s Honor, and A Season of Honor.
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